Theater class and human rights: technologies of the Self enhancing social transformations - Maria Lucia Chaves Lima

This extension project, coordinated by Prof. Maria Lúcia Chaves Lima, organized this educational, cultural and scientific proposal that aims to promote changes in the school environment regarding situations of violations of diverse rights. In order to achieve this, it is intended to hold theater classes in public schools in the Dagua district in Belém. The theater class is an artistic / educational technology that covers theater, dance and performance elements and covers a specific theme. By understanding technology as a set of knowledge that applies to a given reality, "classroom" functions as a technology that makes use of performative elements to incite discussions and reflections. It is intended to hold one class-theater per month, except for the school holidays, with each presentation being in a different school. The topics to be addressed are variable, but all around the field of human rights, such as: medicalization of children and adolescents, homophobia, racism, exclusion of people with disabilities, among other topics that permeate the school environment. For the assembly of the theater classes, it is necessary to perform three combined moments: a) studies of academic texts on the question to be worked; b) bodily expression workshops; and c) scenic assembly laboratories. After the theatrical classes in the schools will be held, a round of talks about the staging will be proposed, mobilizing a space of exchange, without hierarchies, between the academics and the school community. The main objective of theater classes is that they function as a technology of their own that promotes reflection of already established positions, transformations of ways of living and so that people can deal in a more "human" way the themes that cross the “human rights"