Concentration Area: Psychology


Research Line:

Phenomenology, Theory and Clinical

The objective of the line is to carry out qualitative research about the practices in clinical psychology applied to individual and collective health, from its existential and hermeneutic phenomenological vertex; also intends to dialogue with theories of palliative care and human suffering. Methodologies include language hermeneutics, case studies, and multi-cases and integrative reviews. The themes of interest are: the experience of mourning, suicide, death, psychopathology, psychotherapy in basic care, subjective effects of computer and communication technologies, and religiosity.


  • Professor Adelma Pimentel: Gestalt psychotherapy in the contexts of collective health; suffering caused by aging, racism and depression; subjectivation and information technology and communication, caring: an action of the human condition.
  • Professor Airle Miranda: grieving process; palliative care; education for death.
  • Professor Cezar Seibt: ontological and anthropological foundations of psychology; phenomenology and hermeneutics in Heidegger; hermeneutic-existential psychologies; death and finitude; psychology and education.
  • Professor Andrés Antunez: psychotherapy in institutions, phenomenological psychopathology, therapeutic follow-up, phenomenological foundations of psychotherapy, affectivity in the clinic.


Research Line:

Psychoanalysis: Theory and Clinical

The object of Psychoanalysis and the constitution of the psychoanalytic field; concepts and psychoanalytic clinic: unconscious, instinct, repetition, symptom, clinical structures, transference, interpretation, construction, psychoanalytic act, analyst's place and direction of treatment; questions of the clinic for psychoanalytic praxis; questions posed by psychoanalysis to health institutions; Psychoanalysis and the reformulation of the field of mental health; university research and psychoanalytic clinic; the university and the transmission of psychoanalysis; interfaces between Psychoanalysis, Art, Philosophy and Social Sciences.



  • Professor Ana Cleide Guedes Moreira: psychic suffering, psychopathology, AIDS, feminism, women.
  • Professor Ernani Pinheiro Chaves: studies of psychoanalytic concepts, in the Freud-Lacan tradition. Psychoanalysis and culture, especially, in the relation between artistic expressions and cultural identities. Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Nietzsche, Critical Theory and Michel Foucault.
  • Professor Mauricio Rodrigues de Souza: Alterity, mass psychology, sociocultural issues.
  • Professor Paulo Roberto Ceccareli
  • Professor Roseane Freitas Nicolau: Psychoanalytic theory and clinical, psychoanalysis and science, connections of psychoanalysis with the field of mental health, Psychoanalysis and cultural phenomena.


Research Line:

Psychology, Society and Health

Study of analytical categories of the theoretical-methodological approaches built in the relationship between psychology and society; investigation of practices in extended clinical practice, groups and institutions; transdisciplinarity in psychology, society and health; the contribution of new epistemological, methodological and action problems from the perspective of the interface between psychology and society.



  • Professor Alcindo Antônio Ferla: collective health, public policies and modes of subjectivation, evaluation of policies and mental health care, integrality in health.
  • Professor Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos: contemporary subjectivation processes and historical ontology of the present. Practices of medicalization of education and judicialization of life. Cities, stylistic existence, heterotopias and agonistic. Theory of history and analysis of documents in social-community, institutional and political psychology. Conceptual research with Foucault, Deleuze and Castel.
  • Professor Janari da Silva Pedroso: human development; family systems; psychology of care; psychological evaluation, psychological tests and psychotherapies.
  • Professor Leandro Passarinho R Junior: processes of subjectivation in contemporaneity: Foucaultian perspectives. Psychosocial implications in education and health. Work, illness and medicalization of life. Exclusion / social inclusion practices in groups and institutions. Public policies, power and production of subjectivity.
  • Professor Maria Lúcia Chaves Lima: sexual diversity, gender relations and contemporary modes of subjectivation; processes of medicalization of education and society; themes at the interface psychology and human rights.
  • Professor Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro de Oliveira: collective health; worker's health and psychic suffering; public health policies and modes of subjectivation; evaluation and integrality in health.
  • Professor Pedro Paulo Freire Piani: childhood and society; mental health, institutions and groups; knowledge production policies