The Brazilian Congress of developmental psychology-2015 CBPD holds its tenth edition, on 18, 19, 20 and 21 November this year, in the city of Belém do Pará in the Hangar-Convention and fair center of the Amazon. The event will bring together students, teachers, researchers, and national and international professionals in the area of psychology, and related areas to their themes and contemporary fields. The event has the support of the Federal University of Pará through the Institute of philosophy and Humanities (IFCH) and core theory and Behavioral Research (NTPC).
Since its first edition in 1997, the event takes place every two years and has been growing, surpassing the number of participants, and expanding the space of exchanges, each issue. Congress has as main objective to offer spaces for dialogue between students, teachers, psychologists and other interested in the themes that run through the psychology of human development.
This year, with the choice of the theme "scientific innovation and technology and the commitment to human development, "aims to establish through the exchange of experiences, the links between the scientific and Technological Innovation and the commitment to human development. In this sense, it is an unmissable event for organizations wishing to interact with professionals and opinion leaders in this sector.
Tributes -will be honored for their careers as researchers in human development theory the guests: Ana Maria Almeida de Carvalho (Sao Paulo), Maria Lucia Siedl-de-Moura (Rio de Janeiro). The guest speakers are confirmed: Manuel Jacinto Samra (Portugual), Silvia Helena Koller (Rio Grande do Sul), BameNsamenang (Cameroon), Deborah DalboscoDell ' Agilo (Rio Grande do Sul), Maria de Fátima Joaquim Minetto (Paraná), Concepción López Soler (Spain) and Ilka Days Bichara (Bahia). The topics of the lectures will be in accordance with their respective areas of research of the guests and will be released soon on the site.
In this tenth edition, it is expected the participation of approximately 800 people and, for oral communication sessions of extended abstracts, and panels are being analyzed in the following work 532 lines of research:
Theory on human development; Technology to promote human development; Development processes along the life cycle; Moral Ethics and Human Rights; Socioeconomic development and cognitive learning; LT 06-education, rehabilitation and social and cultural practices; Family and Inter generational relations; Emotion and affection; Typical development, and inclusion; Violence, vulnerability and protection policies.
Entries must be made through the website: until 15 November 2015. The values vary according to the category of the participant and the date of registration.
Text: Disclosure